
SeaMaster Software Services

The SeaMaster Management company has been established with the intention of providing advanced management tools for use in marine and offshore industries, utilizing modern technology for managing assets in challenging marine enviroment.

SeaMaster provides support services to the Users of the software in the form of:

Data Integration

Preparing all databases for the vessel’s systems and equipment that are required for feeding into the SeaMaster software functional modules.


SeaMaster software may be used as a single installation or multi-users installation.

Corporate Installation

is offered to asset owners running a fleet of vessels fewer than three. Multi-Seat installation enables the asset owners / operators who manage a fleet of vessels (assets) as Users, based at a management office (central base) and link to individual vessels. This is a network installation.
Network installation enables asset management offices to collect, monitor, control databases from each individual vessel independently and use the databases as feed into the management decision-making processes.
Network installation will enable two-way communications and transfer of databases between individual assets and the management offices, frequently, continuously, and reliably.

Single Seat Installation

is designed for maritime asset owners / operators running a smaller number of vessels.

Import Data

from existing databases which may be owned by the owners of the assets or SeaMaster’s typical databases from similar vessels.
One of the significant characteristics of SeaMaster is the ability to insert large databases via the Import feature.
SeaMaster has prepared various databases in the form of spreadsheets that can speedily be transferred and edited for new installations


The SeaMaster Team provides training and support to suit each client / user’s requirements independently.

Corporate Training

Suitable for group training, normally class-based or one-to-one. Details of training programmes to be planned for each registered client independently. Access to online training materials will be provided to all registered Users.

Online Training

Suitable for self-learning by accessing online educational videos, lectures, podcasts, etc.. Access to online training materials will be provided to all registered Users.

Supported Training

SeaMaster Technicians are always available for chatting, online meeting or telephone calls for registered Users to discuss software troubles and / or advanced features. Access to Support Technicians will be provided to all registered Users.

User Instruction Handbook

SeaMaster User Handbook is designed and prepared to contain all educational materials for every module offered in the software. The Handbook is made available to every registered User.


Remote Library

is available online and enables every registered User to troubleshoot any problems in using the software via searching common words, error codes, and similar issues. Users Forum is also available to discuss issues about the software and ask for help from other users in the network.

Ticketing System

is available to every registered user to contact SeaMaster Support Team for help with any technical issues in the software, or reporting bugs to the team which helps SeaMaster to improve software functionalities.

Summary support systems

provides the following features:

  • Frequently Asked Questions – Ready Answers
  • Support Contact by Email.
  • Support Online Chat
  • Search & Filtering Functions
  • View Ticket History