Stock, Inventory & Requisition Management Module (SIR)

SIR Module Link to PMS

Breakdown of equipment & systems may occur unpredictably, in which case reactive maintenance will be necessary. Availability of spare parts and consumables in the stores / warehouses is necessary to manage reactive maintenance.

PMS is designed and practiced to prevent unpredictable breakdowns. PMS is required on all maritime assets to ensure maximum assets availability and efficiency. Equipment and systems manufacturers provide guidance / instructions for maintenance.

PMS is based on industry experience, manufacturers’ guidance / instructions, and national / international rules & regulations which are now encompassed within ISM Code.

PMS requires access to spare parts, skills to undertake maintenance tasks, equipment / system operation monitoring and manufacturers’ instructions in combination with applied rules & regulations specific to the item.

SIR Module Features

  • Managing existing stocks and spare parts.
  • Preventing Overstocking or lack of stock, especially for critical items.
  • Improved Control of Consumable replenishment cycle.
  • Maintenance of spare parts cost database (monitoring prices)
  • Procurement Order & Process & Reporting management.
  • Intelligent Inventory Management results.
  • Easy locating items in stock & inventory.
  • Improving financial efficiency.

PMS is linked to the databases of:

  • Consumables / parts on the ship’s system and equipment,
  • Manufacturers’ maintenance requirements / instructions
  • ISM Code / Rules & regulations / standards applied to the system, equipment for maintenance & performance.
  • Equipment / systems operational records,
  • Equipment / systems maintenance records / history.
  • Requisitions and supplies procurement ordering system.

Indent / Requisition Management Sub-Module

  • Stock & Inventory Management Module is integrated with the Indent / Requisition Management module.
  • Consumables purchase orders are automatically generated by the purchasing system.
  • Stock Procurement Process records purchase orders in the inventory database when items are received.
  • Stock & Inventory Console displays available quantities and consumption cycles for each item.
  • Manage the purchasing process of the parts end to end and improving control of OPEX.


Workflow Indent Management module

Requisition lists are prepared

Requisition lists approved by the ship’s master

Requests are reviewed by superintendent

Quotations are received

Quotations are compared

Purchased order is made

Procurement order is tracked

stock is received and the process is complete

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