Operations’ Management Module (OMM)

Voyage / Operation Management System

  • The Operation Module is a Voyage / Operations Management System (VMS / OMS) that captures all technical and environmental data relevant to the voyage / operation of the asset continuously. The data is used for instant monitoring of the asset status during voyage / operation.
  • SeaMaster OMM focuses on error-free continuous data collection & data monitoring, which is used as feed into decision-making processes and reporting.
  • The OMM functionality in real time promotes smooth workflow, data accessibility and better decision-making.

SeaMaster OMM Features

  • Bunkering Quantity & Quality Data Collection & Recording.
  • Voyage / Operation Specific Data Collection & Recording.
  • Lub / Oil & Fresh Water Supply and Consumption Data Collection & Recording.
  • Voyage / Operation Performance Assessment & Analytical Tools.
  • Cargo Management containing details for voyage/operation, cargo quality & quantities, loading / unloading, ports, dates, chartering etc Data Collection & Recording.
  • Accessible records for around ten thousand (10,000) seaports worldwide and ability to add new ports to the database.
  • Inspections, Insurance, Certificates Record Keeping.
  • Operators, Shipping Agents, Charterers, Service Provides, any other customised lists are maintained in database.
  • Inventory Management and Records Keeping.
  • Generating Reports on Demand.
  • Interface between Asset & Office.
  • Searchable Database.
  • Live Map View of the Assets.
  • Flexible & customisable infrastructure permits to define different fuel, stores and consumables specific to each asset.

SeaMaster OMM Dashboard

  • All functionalities are made available to the User in a single screen (OMM Dashboard), including Archives, Systems & Equipment Records, Documents Access on Demand, Safety Certificates, Insurance Policies, etc.
  • SeaMaster OMM Notification settings provides means to monitor and control status of all documents, certificates & policies.
  • ISM Code compliant digital forms that require keeping up with assets voyage / operation continuously and in real time, integrated into the OMM System.
  • Port State Control (PSC) and International Maritime Organisation (IMO) approved forms production on demand.
  • Recording Ship Contracts, Specifying Operators, Bunkering Records, Demurrage calculation and many other aspects of trip management are included in the OMM.
  • OMM Dashboard provides access to Daily Progress Report (DPR) and Remain on Board (ROB) records are available and are updated by Master or Chief Officer.
  • Energy Efficiency Operational Index (EEOI) of assets are continuously recorded and monitored. Fuel Consumption Data Management provides access to EEOI assessment and analysis for any range of dates for the vessels, which can be used to compare results for the assessment of asset’s performance.


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