Planned Maintenance System (PMS)

PMS Module

Maintenance of Maritime Assets are a vital part of Asset Integrity Management in any maritime company, owning and/or operating ships.
Various maritime industry standards and guidelines are published by recognized national and international organizations to improve design, construction, operation, maintenance, recycling, and asset integrity management.
ISM Code gives mandatory regulations for asset owners / operators to establish and practice, the Planned Maintenance System (PMS) onboard all marine assets subject to approval by a recognized Classification Society.
SeaMaster PMS Module provides advanced facilities to develop automated maintenance planning / scheduling for all equipment and systems onboard in compliance with applicable rules and regulations.

PMS Workflow

Tasks to-do-list

Task Completion Procedure

Crew Responsible for specific Tasks

Task Completion Approval by Supervisor

Tasks details, Planning, Completion

and Reports transmission to the Office

PMS Features

  • PMS link is present in OMM Dashboard
  • PMS settings include notification reminders for each task separately, as required periodically.
  • PMS includes features for unplanned maintenance tasks management.
  • PMS has task distribution capability to allocate to specific staff / crew.
  • PMS tasks distribution categorised based on criticality and authorisation requirements, where required to be supervised / signed off by higher authority personnel.
  • PMS allows manual tasks allocation to staff / crew.
  • PMS database is searchable and sortable into required grouping.
  • PMS database permits causes & consequences analysis for failures and breakdown assessments.
  • PMS improves maintenance efficiency and spare parts management.
  • PMS is intuitive and easy-to-use, hence training of personnel is simple and speedy.
  • PMS logs all maintenance tasks.
  • PMS links to the inventory and maintains a stocks database up to date instantly. This improves stock ordering and management efficiency.
  • PMS produces stock inventory reports on demand.
  • PMS via continuous and instant interface between maritime assets and the Office ensures seamless data and information transmission between the sides.

SeaMaster PMS DNV-GL Type Approval

  • SeaMaster Software is certified by DNV-GL for evidence-based risk assessment.
  • PMS forms managing Stock and Inventory management, Crew management and Operation management.
  • PMS incorporates flexible infrastructure to add / delete / edit equipment lists, maintenance tasks and intervals according to assets’ requirements for compliance with relevant manufacturers recommendations / national / international standards and regulations.
  • Maintenance tasks are grouped and categorized based on criticality hierarchy and equipment / system manufacturer’s recommendations.

PMS Complimentary Features

  • PMS Advance Notifications Settings
  • PMS Equipment Status Reporting
  • PMS Records Archiving feature.
  • PMS Risk Assessment and Monitoring feature.
  • PMS tasks prioritising capability to produce to-do-list.
  • PMS Critical & Class Equipment / Items Management


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